How I applied to business school

How I applied At the start of my last job search, I felt demoralized after failing over and over at technical interviews. So I signed up for a night school that specialized in technical interview coaching. I met other people who, like me, were also being rejected. We supported each other, consoled each other after losses, and celebrated each others’ wins. I finally started to get the hang of the interviews and eventually got offers from Google, Facebook, and Palantir....

October 9, 2022 · 3 min

Why I applied to business school

Why I applied I’m in my fourth year of software engineering at Google. It’s a great job. I’ve learned a ton and I’ve met interesting people. But I’ve increasingly started to see the job as a means to an end, as opposed to something I really enjoy doing. The community that I feel comes from outside of work. The group thread for my improv class is pretty vibrant and we do fun things together....

October 8, 2022 · 2 min