Dan’s Ramblings

My name is Dan. Here I write down my thoughts.

How I applied to business school

How I applied At the start of my last job search, I felt demoralized after failing over and over at technical interviews. So I signed up for a night school that specialized in technical interview coaching. I met other people who, like me, were also being rejected. We supported each other, consoled each other after losses, and celebrated each others’ wins. I finally started to get the hang of the interviews and eventually got offers from Google, Facebook, and Palantir....

October 9, 2022 · 3 min

Why I applied to business school

Why I applied I’m in my fourth year of software engineering at Google. It’s a great job. I’ve learned a ton and I’ve met interesting people. But I’ve increasingly started to see the job as a means to an end, as opposed to something I really enjoy doing. The community that I feel comes from outside of work. The group thread for my improv class is pretty vibrant and we do fun things together....

October 8, 2022 · 2 min

Introducing CycleQuest

CycleQuest is a social exercise game where real-world workouts earn you real rewards and bragging rights over your friends. Do you ever talk smack with your fit friends about who can run, bike, or swim more, and wish that your friends would just shut up and put their money where their mouth is? With CycleQuest, there are no excuses. Just friendly competition. Cool, how does it work? Go to http://beta.acyclequest.com...

January 18, 2022 · 2 min

Why I Love Doing Improv Comedy

A few months ago a friend of mine mentioned that he was taking an improv comedy class and was enjoying it more than he expected to. Looking at my quarantine-stricken calendar, I figured “what the fuck, might as well try it too”. Internally, this represented a leap of faith for me as a prior version of myself would ridicule “theater kids”, “band kids”, “art kids”, or any other kind of kid brave enough to express themself in front of others....

January 3, 2022 · 3 min

Player Prospectus: Shane O'Neill

I bought Shane O’Neill because I think he will start at center back for Toronto and play every minute of every game this upcoming season. Toronto is a team on their way up and their defense will steadily improve for the next couple of years. The Past Shane’s involvement (or lack thereof) with the Sounders always confused me. This last season, he was mostly a “closer”. Schmeltzer would sub him in at around the 60 minute mark in games where Seattle was ahead and he would go in there and make hard tackles until the final whistle....

January 1, 2022 · 4 min